
2024-12-28 | 2:53a.m.

  Trial Exercise (Level 1)
Saved by soy wonder
Nickkita Lau


How much of the news story did you understand?
1. What should women do to lower the risk of breast cancer?
A.    Know more about genetic makeup
B.    Eat soy products as children
C.    Eat dairy products, meat and fish
2. What was the theme of the Vitasoy forum?
A.    The announcement of the research result regarding breast cancer
B.    The promotion of quality of life through their products
C.    The lowering of the risk of breast cancer
3. Why did Messina say the breast cancer incident rate could be independent from the genetic makeup of the races?
A.    It is because Asians with a more Westernized diet are more likely to develop breast cancer than those on a traditional diet
B.    It is because many in the West are beginning to consume soy products
C.    It is because the breast cancer incident rate is lower in Asian countries
4. Which of the following is one of the health benefits of soy?
A.    The lowering of women's risks of having a genetic makeup
B.    The lowering of women's risks of having a stroke
C.    The lowering of women's risks of having a fatty acid
5. Soy has a ______ quality equal to that of meat.
A.    protein
B.    omega
C.    fatty acid

Please fill in the blanks below with the appropriate words which you have learnt in this lesson. (Hints: Makeup, promoted, traditional, fatty, benefits, compounds, consumed, independent, Diet, inferior)
1. varies between different classes in society.
2. One of the many of extra-curricular is learning how to communicate with other people.
3. As a town planner, you should preserve culture while making innovations.
4. We rejected the goods of quality.
5. Hong Kong people a lot of red wine last year.
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